Monday, July 30, 2018

Second day on the bike....

We're getting the morning routine down a bit better. Had great breakfast before the ride briefing. Today we headed further north to cross the Afsluitdijk. A huge 20 mile long dike that allows motor traffic and bikes to cross over the dike.

The ride north started under gray skies and about 72 degrees temperatures, just about right for biking. The route was along tree lined bike paths with a gentle tailwind pushing us along at a nice clip. At 10, about 90 minutes into the ride it was time for coffee. After about 30 minutes it was time to push on to lunch. The picnic lunch was located on the dike almost mid way across.

I'm not sure how long we were at lunch, perhaps 45 minutes or so, before we headed out for the last halve of the ride. Once were were back on land, the task was to find ice cream. Yea, breakfast, coffee, lunch, ice cream that's the that ticket, the right elements for a good ride. The final push from the ice cream stop was in full sun and a bit of a headwind as well, but you're near the end of the ride and more traffic circles to navigate, cute neighborhoods to cruise through and a brief ferry ride before the hotel.  We arrive close to 4 PM. Time enough for a shower, blogging and now time for a beer before dinner. Oh this is what a call a vacation!!

click here for photos

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